Delhi School of Climate Change & Sustainability

The World Bank Group Climate Change Action Plan (2016-2020) highlights some of the key challenges the world faces today. It identifies climate change as the most critical driver that influences development. The Action Plan recognizes the enormous task before us to feed 9 billon humans and provide housing for additional 2 billion urban population. Two of the biggest risks to human development come from availability of and access to sustainable energy and water resources. The climate change related risks from natural disasters which are already on the increase are a grim reminder that the issue needs to be discussed and dealt with not only at the government level, but equally at the community level. The COP 21 Paris Agreement identified the need for concrete actions to be taken by each nation and to deliver on the promises and set targets. These nationally determined contributions (NDCs) underline the need for sustainable and clean energy generation, transport, sustainable agriculture and sustainable urban ecosystems. In order to achieve the set ambitious goals, a cadre of qualified professionals and practitioners needs to be built, who are adequately skilled and empowered to deliver the desired results.